Market Insights

Tools to Build Your

Career and Your Company

  • Conference presentations
  • Railway industry market and trend data
  • Valuable industry resources

Conference Presentations

Every year railway industry leaders from freight and passenger rail lines present invaluable information and insights at the NRC Annual Conference. NRC members have free access to select conference presentations, which focus on transportation infrastructure spending, operational and contractor/supplier updates, as well as regulatory changes.

Conference attendees will be sent a link to access select presentations from the 2025 Annual NRC Conference. If you have questions or require access, contact the NRC.

Rail Sustainability Update

The NRC established the Sustainability Committee to assist our members in preparing for the sustainability requirements in the North America railroad market. Like the freight railroads, NRC members span a wide spectrum of where they are in their sustainability journey. These updates will provide general visibility to the evolving sustainability landscape expected from our North America customers. You can expect updates as the sustainability landscape evolves and more information is available.

Market Data

Check here for insights into railway construction best practices and market opportunities. Review market data and editorial from leading trade publications covering the railroad and rail-transit industry.

What our members say…

I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the industry by participating on an NRC committee. The opportunities are diverse – from membership resources, the various events, scholarships and awards – but each committee works closely with NRC leadership to help bring all of its membership services to life. Who better to serve the industry than the very people working in it!

Erika Bruhnke

Vice President, Training Services


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